Server side usage – VB

If your website is setting cookies server side, you can determine what type of cookies you are allowed to set by checking the users current consent state through standard cookie handling.


Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization

Dim CurrentUserConsent As HttpCookie = Request.Cookies("CookieConsent")

If CurrentUserConsent IsNot Nothing Then
    Select Case CurrentUserConsent.Value
        Case "0"
            REM The user has not accepted cookies - set strictly necessary cookies only
            Exit Select

        Case "-1"
            REM The user is not within a region that requires consent - all cookies are accepted
            Exit Select

        Case Else REM The user has accepted one or more type of cookies
            REM Read current user consent in encoded JavaScript format
            Dim CookieConsentSerializer As New JavaScriptSerializer()
            Dim CookieConsent As dynamic = CookieConsentSerializer.Deserialize(Of Object)(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(CurrentUserConsent.Value))

            If CookieConsent("preferences") Then
                REM Current user accepts preference cookies
                REM Current user does NOT accept preference cookies
            End If

            If CookieConsent("statistics") Then
                REM Current user accepts statistics cookies
                REM Current user does NOT accept statistics cookies
            End If

            If CookieConsent("marketing") Then
                REM Current user accepts marketing cookies
                REM Current user does NOT accept marketing cookies
            End If
    End Select
    REM The user has not accepted cookies - set strictly necessary cookies only
End If

Probeer nu 14 dagen gratis Cookiebot

Cookie scanner, cookie banner, cookieverklaring en cookie toestemming in één.

  • Cookies op je website gebruiken volgens AVG, ePrivacy en cookie wetgeving
  • Cookiebeheer volledig geautomatiseerd
  • Cookie banner op basis van jouw huisstijl
  • Automatisch opgestelde cookieverklaring, altijd up to date

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