Our scanner simulates a number of website users who visit your website and perform all the actions that can be performed (clicking on all links, scrolling, accessing all pages, playing any embedded videos etc.).

If you have an area of your website behind a log in or a cookie wall, we can configure the scanner to also scan behind this.

Please provide us with:

  • exact login url
  • login credentials: username and password

Please send to: info@cookieinfo.net .

14 day free trial Cookiebot

Cookie scanner, cookie banner, cookie declaration and cookie consent in one solution.

  • Use cookies on your website compliant with GDPR, ePrivacy and cookie legislation
  • Cookie management completely automated
  • Cookie banner based on your corporate identity
  • Automatic composed cookie declaration, always up to date

The Cookiebot solution runs on 2 million websites, manages 6.3 billion monthly User Consents and supports 47+ languages.