Cookiebot support

  • Slow support? Get priority response from CookieInfo’s dedicated team
  • Trouble setting up your cookie banner or Google Consent Mode integration? We’ll help you set it up and optimize it.
  • Confused about privacy law updates? Receive clear, expert guidance
  • Struggling to interpret reports? We provide actionable advice to optimize your compliance

Do you already have a Cookiebot subscription in need of Cookiebot support? As Cookiebot’s largest partner worldwide, we are here to help you on your way.

Follow the instructions on this page (your Cookiebot subscription settings and prices will remain the same*) to connect your account to CookieInfo. We can then help you with Cookiebot support questions about implementation, prior consent or custom cookie banner designs. If necessary, we can also look into the set-up in your back-end. You can then also email or call us for other cookie-related questions.

*When you sign up for Cookiebot through CookieInfo, your contract and invoices will come directly from Cookiebot at the same price as mentioned on the Cookiebot website. CookieInfo is connected as your service partner and receives a kick-back from Cookiebot, which allows us to offer you custom cookie banners and first-line support at no additional costs.

Please note, for users who have already created a Cookiebot account before Sept. 18, 2023!
These were created in Cookiebot’s old admin environment, to then mark CookieInfo as your partner follow the steps in this article: Setting CookieInfo as your partner

First, log in to the Cookiebot-Admin environment and click the “Cookiebot Manager” link in the user menu (top right).

Click on the “Cookiebot Manager” link.

2. You will be redirected to the “classic” Cookiebot Manager.

3. Follow the steps to create a user in the “classic” Cookiebot Manager.

4. Once you have created an account for the “classic” Cookiebot Manager, you can follow the steps below to add CookieInfo as your reseller.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are logged out of the Cookiebot backend in all your browser windows before proceeding.

Then click on this link and follow the instructions below.

5.Cookiebot support

Instead of entering your information directly, click on login link under the blue “Create Account” button, as shown in the screen to the right.

Then you will see a login screen instead of the screen to create an account.

6. Login and use CookieInfo support on your Cookiebot account.

Then log in with the email address and password you already have an account with Cookiebot.

You can now use CookieInfo support at no additional cost.

You can continue to use both the “classic” and the new Cookiebot Manager.

About CookieInfo

As the largest partner of Cookiebot in Europe, we are happy to advise and help you to make the use of cookies on your website comply with cookie legislation the AVG / GDPR and ePrivacy regulations, but also to increase the grip on the use of cookies and trackers. Any website can be successful with the right cookie banner/cookie notice and managing cookies. We do this by sharing tips and trends through our guides, blogs, videos, trainings and e-books. Cookiebot runs on 1.4 million Websites, manages 5.2 billion monthly User Consents and Supports 47+ languages.

Any questions?

Fill in the contact form, send us an e-mail or call us at:
+31 85 06 07 333